Adding Payments

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There are two ways of adding the payments that you’ve received from the invoices.


Method One

On the “Menu Bar”

  1. Click on the “Accounts” tab and select “Invoice” from the dropdown list
  2. This action will open the “Invoice” page, where you will be able to view all the Invoices in the system
  3. Click on the “Actions” button on the specific invoice you want to add the payments. This button is on the extreme right hand side of the screen under the “Action” column
  4. Click on the “Add payments” option from the dropdown list.
  5. This action will reveal a “New Payment Invoice” page.
  6. Fill in the relevant details of the payment.

NB: You can edit the payment value on the “Payment” column to match the exact figures paid by the customer in case the payment is not the exact “Amount Due”.


Method Two

On the “Invoice”

  1. Click on the “Actions” button on the extreme right hand corner and select the “Add Payments” option from the dropdown list.
  2. This action will reveal a “New Payment Invoice” page.
  3. Fill in the relevant details of the payment.

NB: You can edit the payment value on the “Payment” column to match the exact figures paid by the customer in case the payment is not the exact “Amount Due”.